Entering Punch Time

Enter the punch time (in and out times) for each day you worked into the Hours section of the Timecard page. You can enter your timecard information each day, or all at one time at the end of the week.

note.gif  Unless you are directed by law or have to meet specific client requirements, you will enter total daily hours and will not have to enter punch time. If your timecard does not show In/Out boxes for you to enter punch time for each day you worked, refer to the Entering Hours topic for instructions on how to enter your time.

To enter punch time hours:

1)      In the Hours section of the Timecard page, select the correct pay type from the drop-down menu.

 If you enter piece counts, or units, select the Hours for Piecework type.

2)      For each day, enter the appropriate times in the In and Out fields and press the Tab key to move from field to field. KPAY automatically adds zeros and whether the time is AM or PM  for you. You can edit the times as necessary.

a.  Type your time In for the start of your shift.

b.  Type your time Out for your break or meal.

c.  Type your time In when you return from your break or meal.

d.  Type your time Out for the end of your shift.

 If you are working an overnight shift, your hours will need to be split at midnight because any time after midnight is considered a different day. For example, if you worked from 9 PM Monday until 3 AM Tuesday, you worked 6 total hours. To enter your time correctly you would enter 3 hours on Monday, to cover 9 PM to 12 AM, and 3 hours on Tuesday, to cover 12 AM to 3 AM.

3)      If applicable, click the Add Meal Time link to create an additional In/Out break row if you take more than one break during your shift.

4)       Enter your time the same way with another In/Out record for the additional break.

5)      If you are eligible to enter time for another pay category, such as paid time off, you must enter those hours on a separate row. If applicable, click the Add New Row button, and repeat steps 1-4 of this procedure until you have entered every pay type.
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6)      Confirm the daily and weekly totals match your totals for the week by viewing the Totals column. 

 If you enter a row in error, you can click the red X at the end of the row to delete it.

7)      If applicable, use the Special Timecard Notes box to add any details required by your client.

 This area is not used for timecard processing and should not be populated otherwise.

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